Hey Shawnigan Businesses - Help your community Go Local!
Did you know that the Shawnigan Residents Association (SRA) has a place on their website just for local businesses at … thesra.ca/directory?
It's free
As a business owner, you can post your business details at no charge and update your information whenever needed.
post what services you offer
your hours of operation
how to be contacted
The SRA Local Directory is available at no charge for all store-front and home-based businesses, and contractors as well as for our community organizations.
Here’s how to post your business…
Just send an email to shawniganresidentsassociation@gmail.com and request a business membership.
The SRA will send you directions to complete your membership and to fill-out the information listed in the directory.
Be where you can easily be found in your local community.
For residents and visitors, the directory is a fantastic resource to search for local businesses or associations that are open, by category or by keywords. For example, if you want to see what local businesses are open and delivering food? Simply search for “delivery”.
The Directory is live right now at: thesra.ca/directory But we need everyone there!
We want to see all of our businesses and community organizations on this Directory so it's the go-to for Residents and Visitors. Let's keep our community strong and self -sufficient by supporting each other. hosted by the Shawnigan Residents Association supported by the CVRD