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From: Sierra Acton

CVRD Director Area B

Shawnigan Lake is an unincorporated area or otherwise known as an Electoral Area. At

times it can be a challenge to know where to turn for services. I hope you find the

following information helpful. If I can help further don’t hesitate to contact me, Sierra.

ALL Emergencies call 911

(250) 743-2096 Fire non-emergency for Shawnigan Lake

(250) 743-5514 RCMP non-emergency Shawnigan Lake

Road condition and maintenance please contact Emcon. As an unincorporated area, the

responsibility for the maintenance of roads is outside the jurisdiction of the CVRD. Our

roads are owned and managed by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.

Current maintenance contract is with Emcon.

1-866-353-3136 Emcon 24hr Road Condition Line

Cowichan Valley Regional District

175 Ingram Street

Duncan, BC, V9L 1N8

(250) 746-2500 CVRD Main Reception

(250) 746-2620 Building Inspection and Bylaw Enforcement

(250) 746-2620 Land Use Services

(250) 746-2530 Recycling, Water and Sewer enquiries

1-888-453-0143 Water and Sewer for engineering Emergencies

(250) 746-2512 Soil Dumping Information

(250) 746-2620 Transit, Dog Licenses, Outdoor Burning inquiries

(250) 748-3395 Coastal Animal Control Services

Garbage and Recycling

(250) 743-3053 garbage + compost

(250) 733-2108 transfer station

(250) 929- 3475 South Cowichan

Illegal Dumping, Environmental Hazards, Conservation

1-877-952-7277 RAPP Report All Poachers and Polluters

Love it. Share it. Protect it.

Official Community Plan for Electoral Areas bylaw 4373

The CVRD is facing many future challenges and we need your help by giving input on

emerging topics. The Cowichan Valley population is expected to grow to over 100,000

by the year 2040 and any new challenges face the region along with climate change,

waste reduction and a changing way on how we like live, work and play. To prepare for

that future, the CVRD is developing an Official Community Plan for the Electoral Areas

(Bylaw 4373).

And this is where we need your help. A plan like this is really only useful if it reflects the voices of many community members. There are multiple events and ways to participate; see for details and to get notifications.

Waste and Household Garbage;

In 2021 with a population of 80,000, the CVRD shipped over 42,000 tonnes of garbage

to the landfill, which is more garbage per person than ever before! To reduce the amount

of landfilled material, the regional Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) identified the

need to provide all residents with equal access to three-stream (organics, recycling, and

garbage) curbside collection.

As three-stream curbside collection is implemented across BC, it has uncovered a range of

benefits such as a reduction in the amount of garbage sent to the landfill. Reducing garbage

disposal is important as the Cowichan Valley does not have a local landfill, and landfill

capacity is limited on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland. As a result, garbage from the Cowichan Valley is transported via truck, barge, and rail service more than 700 km to a landfill in Washington State. Long-distance transportation of waste materials is becoming

increasingly expensive and difficult. Learn more and submit your solid waste needs at

Regional Active Transportation Plan

The Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) is currently developing a Regional Active

Transportation Plan. The plan seeks to promote accessible, safe, convenient and

enjoyable transportation options as an alternative to the private automobile. The project

will not only explore multimodal network connections throughout the region, but also, it

will endeavor to tackle some of the most challenging issues we are currently facing,

including climate change and equity. You are human powered and we want to help you

use your power to get to where you need to go. But we need your help. Go to

Sierra Acton - CVRD Director Area B – -



Shawnigan Lake Community Association

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© SLCA 2022

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For further information on all community events, please don’t hesitate to contact us 

We would like to acknowledge that this beautiful land that we call home has a deep history; that we are working, living, and playing on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish people, in particular the Cowichan Tribe and the Malahat Nation.

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