Shawnigan Lake Community Association
Easter Egg Photo Scavenger Hunt
put on by:
Grab you camera and take a pic of the clue in the egg and receive
extra raffle draw tickets for great gifts!
How It Works
1. Using the clues provided, find the location of the image in the "egg" and snap a selfie or an us-ie interacting with the item at that location.
2. Find one of the Bunny Squad and show them your photos in exchange for extra raffle tickets:
4-6"eggs" found= 1 ticket
7-9"eggs" found= 2 tickets
10-12"eggs" found= 3 tickets
Can you find these "eggs" around the park?
Want an extra hint? Click the image.
Shawnigan Lake Rotary EcoClub
We hope you enjoy this Egg-stra Fun Hunt!
We are Canada’s first Rotary EcoClub, part of a growing network of Rotary EcoClubs worldwide. We are based outdoors and devoted to environmental stewardship and sustainability practices. We believe in honouring our First Nations and other community stakeholders, actively networking to build collaborative relationships and sharing knowledge, and developing strategic implementation of our Think Shawnigan community assessment recommendations through hands-on community projects. Visit our website at
Egg-citing News!
We're hosting a "Hearts in Action" Shawnigan Community Clean Up on
Saturday, April 23rd from 10am to 2pm!
Wear your Brightest+Loudest Outfit to "Give Nature a Hand" by Picking Up Litter! Sign In at the SLCC to Receive our Support and our Thanks!! Our Volunteers are our Heroes!! Details at